Cecelia Thornton is a therapist in Sacramento who believes that everyone has a unique gift to share with others. She participates in CASA trainings by helping prospective CASA volunteers understand the effects of addiction on family members. She came upon this expertise after over a decade of specialized experience.
“I spent 10 years working with addiction and recovery at CommuniCare Health Centers. I consider those years part of a life gift. I worked with extraordinarily gifted and generous people. Dr. John Jones was the Medical Director at the time that I was there. Working under his umbrella was like having Mozart teach you piano. He and the other truly amazing patients, clients and colleagues taught me so much about lived spirituality and the beauty of being witness to people who come out of their struggle with strengths that support productive and profoundly beautiful lives. “
In her part of CASA training sessions, Cecelia strives to find a place of understanding and enlightenment so that future CASA volunteers can understand the nuances that come along with addiction and recovery in a family member. “I think that my job with Yolo County CASA is to talk about addiction and recovery but to support teaching an awareness of the human suffering that the addict/alcoholic and their families experience while nurturing respect and a sense of compassion and awareness.”
Cecelia is full of gratitude for the opportunity to spread her knowledge to prospective volunteers, “I take my role in the trainings very seriously and gratefully. I am so pleased to have the chance to share some of my experience in this area. And as is so true of any act of generosity, I get WAY more than I have ever been given.”
Cecelia also appreciates the commitment that CASA volunteers make to children who are extremely vulnerable, “Whenever I start my talk at the CASA training, I thank the people there. I am profoundly impressed by the generous dedication of all of these volunteers who give so selflessly. Truthfully, talking about it makes me cry. They are amazing. And I, well…truthfully…and this is not overstating, the world at large is in their debt.”